The online store is open through Jan. 31st. Fall/winter is the best time for planting!
Plum, Wild (Prunus spp)
Redbud (Cercis canadensis)
River Oats/Northern Sea Oats (Chasmanthium latifolium)
Robin's Plantain 'Lynnhaven Carpet' (Erigeron pulchellus)
Rose Gentian, Plymouth (Sabatia kennedyana)
Rose Mallow, Halberd Leaf (Hibiscus laevis)
Rose Mallow, Marsh (Hibiscus moscheutos)
Rose Mallow, Red (Hibiscus coccineus)
Sage, Blue (Salvia azurea)
Sage, Lyre Leaf (Salvia lyrata)
Sedge, Blue Wood (Carex flaccosperma)
Sedge, Creeping 'Hobb Bunny Blue' (Carex laxiculmis)
Sedge, Creeping (Carex laxiculmis)
Sedge, Gray's (Carex grayi)
Sedge, Rosy (Carex rosea)
Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis)
Serviceberry, Downy (Amelanchier arborea)
Sideoats Grama Grass (Bouteloua curtipendula)
Skullcap, Helmet (Scutellaria integrifolia)
Soft Rush (Juncus effusus)
Spice Bush/Spicebush, unsexed (Lindera benzoin)
Steeplebush (Spiraea tomentosa)
Strawberry, Fairfax
Strawberry, Ozark Beauty